Friday, February 1, 2013


After all this, it still came down to you. I don't know why. I don't need all these people. They don't even care anyway. Well, I guess somethings are easier said than done. I need something to aim for in life. Grades? Passion? Position? I don't know. Just something can won't ever, ever let me down. Ever. Other than you, I don't know if I can even find something even close. You know what? It's like there's something in me that feels like letting all these go. Just one day, one week. Not giving a shit about anything and just do whatever I want. Go places that I really want to go to. Somewhere I can truly feel happy. You think I want to care so much about him? I care, he says I shouldn't. I don't, he asks why didn't I. I miss you. I really do. Sometimes, I give up on everyone and everything, I think about you. And well, I can't be here without you today.

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