Monday, April 22, 2013


I finally understand. The whole picture of it, now I know who I can count on. Honestly, I was so angry because I was forced to let it go when I am not capable of it yet. By them, and now by you. I will do it, when he gets his just desserts. Just not now, not when nothing is accomplished. You think I'm overly concerned of little things, well maybe I am. But guess what, that's just me wanting a little more fairness in this world. It's just me saying "if you say you're not fair and you show bias, then so be it. Say it and I'll let you be bias". That's just me saying "if you don't have the guts to say it, you jolly well not have the guts to do it either". How is that wrong? You saying it in my face that since I'm overly concerned of little things in my life, I can't amount to anything in life and then saying that you're on my side - that's not wrong, that's just plain dumb. Well too bad. Maybe I would believe you in the past. With that simple mind of mine. But right now, it's too late. I can't amount to anything in life? Yes, maybe. But that depends on what I want out of my life. I've made choices that leads me to never achieving success in the corporate world. That's fine. I'm totally clear on what I want and I'm well on my way to achieve it. What about you? If you don't even have an aim or if you don't know how to get there, don't go judging the capabilities of others. Anyway, you taught me something today. You woke me up and taught me that the only one I can be my true self in front of is Bboy. Honestly. I always thought once I have to hide my true self, my true emotions in front of my partner, it's a gone case. That's fine.
Today reminded me of an issue I have with you left unresolved. Well, not saying I'm going to resolve it. Just saying that I have not forgotten about it. Bro, I won't forget. Someday, your words will be used against you. And well, the two, they can act all they want. I'm not dumb.

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