Wednesday, August 12, 2015


And I'm 22.

I don't know how many people have heard my 16th birthday story but I'm definitely not exaggerating when I say it has left me scarred for life. HAHA. Okay I don't hate you as much anymore but you still didn't have to do that then. Anyway, I have never looked forward to my birthday celebrations since then.

I probably still don't.

All I know is, I want to spend my remaining birthdays with you.

I guess what really suck about celebrating your birthday is the immense pressure to be more sensible and more sure of what you're doing and what you want in life. Grr, that feeling of everyone's expectation for you to just grow up. I hate growing up.

Every birthday, thanks to you, I'm now burden with the thought that I have to be wiser for I shouldn't just be celebrating the passing of 365 days. Well, I guess this year, I felt more enlightened than all the years before.

Most of my friends, if not all, think that I've made a rash decision 143 days ago. Whether it's rash or not, I guess it doesn't matter. Especially when every passing day makes me feel even more relieved that I chose to say yes. When you love someone so hard and everything fell apart, it's hard to let your guard down to let someone else in again. I must say, when we first got together, I couldn't. I always said that I date with the intention of marrying. But that first few weeks, my explanation was just "let's see how things go". I don't know if you know it, and how you'll feel to know this now. But all you need to know is, that changed. As we spend more and more time together, it's just so easy to picture my future, our future. Like you say "it's the little things" that made the drama so touching and enjoyable, "it's the little things" that you do that make me smile and feel so touched inside. I really am, super lucky, to have you by my side. And I'd do anything to keep you here. My 22nd birthday, I spent it with you. If I could replay it a million times (Hallelujah, chance!), I'd choose to do the same.

Thank you, baby. I really can't imagine life without you anymore. So please keep loving me the way you do now.
And here's to the next 70 years of our lives together.

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