Wednesday, October 30, 2013


I can do this. Just a month left. (: Take a big breathe and go! :D

I know it's not you I miss.
I just miss the company.
And the memories.

Well for every pleasant memory I can garner, I am pretty sure I can remember one that leaves me feeling lousy about myself. And that's okay. Cause every relationship has its ups and downs. It always boils down to effort, commitment and passion. The main three things lacking in ours. To be honest, I haven't had the time to reflect about our relationship because I don't have the courage to. It doesn't matter how I feel about you now for I have utmost confidence in being able to push away any reminiscent feelings I have for you, if any. I just don't want to think about your actions, your effort (or rather, lack of) and your feelings because I don't ever want to start hating you. You're right, probably a 100% even, that we'll be able to be close friends because of the fact that we can get along pretty well and that we know each other so well, sometimes even further than the extent of knowing ourselves. But the very fact that you're right shows how wrong we were. How wrong we were for two and a half years. I just realised, a few seconds ago, that we broke up right the very day before we could celebrate our two years and seven months anniversary. That means it was a very accurate two and a half years. Well, I just couldn't bear the thought of having to spend another painful anniversary. I'm not blaming you because it's my fault. It's my fault for hoping and setting my expectations high. I want the best for myself, the best that I can get. Now I know, that it's about your own efforts. I will continue looking and fighting. Just because I gave up on you doesn't mean I gave up on love.

I'm still waiting patiently for my Mr. Right.
<3 p="">

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